Amalfi Coast Weddings – few useful answers

For my Amalfi coast weddings, when should I send the save the date?

Unlike traditional weddings where save-the-dates can go out as late as six months before, for your amalfi coast weddings (destination weddings in general) you should be sent between 9 to 12 months out. Guests may have to request time off, and resorts can book up quickly. The invitations should go out three months prior. My personal suggestion is to have a website for your amalfi coast wedding that can be frequently and easily update with informtions about your wedding week events.

For our amalfi coast weddings, our planner is locally based. How and when should we communicate?

Usually I do discuss with my clients which is the best way to communicate. Email is for sure the fastest and preferred channel, but I set one in a minth a call via Skype or Facetime which enabled me and my clients to keep track of the planning for the amalfi coast wedding.

We’re big partiers. How can we find a reception venue that will let us celebrate late into the night?

Planning a party into the wee hours of the night isn’t difficult, but it takes some forethought. If you simply want to hang out with a small group, a casual gathering in your hospitality suite could be perfect. Order beverages and a few snacks, and you’re good to go.

If you want a bigger celebration including entertainment, be sure to discuss this upfront with any potential venues.  For you amalfi coast weddings you should know that all over the cost we have the restriction limit at mid night. but don’t get discuraged because we can move the after-party offsite to a local club.

How far in advance should we arrive at our destination before the big day?

It is extremely importat to discuss with your local wedding planner for your amalfi caost wedding when you should arrive if you are planning to have a civil ceremony. This is beacause the legal requirements to abtain the marriage need time to get legalised whitel you arrive in Italy. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Even you are having a symbolic wedding, my personal suggestion is to give yourselves a few days to relax prior to the wedding.


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